• Question: Do you like explosions?

    Asked by Hollow Phoeinx to Frank, Ian, Isabel, Jared, Zena on 13 Mar 2015. This question was also asked by Dion.
    • Photo: Isabel Pires

      Isabel Pires answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      Not really, I don’t like loud noises 🙂

    • Photo: Zena Hadjivasiliou

      Zena Hadjivasiliou answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      I don’t really like them either. I like lights and patterns made with light and mirrors and reflections :]

    • Photo: Frank Longford

      Frank Longford answered on 14 Mar 2015:

      Ahem… as a chemist I have to admit that I do. However, I hated loud noises and fireworks as a child, so why I quite like them now (fireworks, not necessarily loud noises) is a mystery. Maybe its the excitement of the raw power that comes from an explosion and actually the science behind what actually happens that I enjoy.
