• Question: how was the Bermuda triangle made

    Asked by hhussain to Zena, Ian, Frank on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Zena Hadjivasiliou

      Zena Hadjivasiliou answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      I don’t thing the Bermuda triangle is something that was ever made, or can be made. It is in some ways an imaginary triangle joining three points on earth (joining any three points will always give you a triangle unless they are on the same line — try it on a piece of paper ;] ).

      As far as I understand, what we call the Bermuda triangle is the triangle that joins the following three points on the map: a point on the island of Bermuda, a point in Florida and a point in Puerto Rico. BUT, this is not an actual triangle but just the area between these three points. I don’t know much about it but it sounds like several plane and boat accidents and disappearances have happened in that area although there is no clear evidence that there is anything to be suspicious about beyond normal accidents…
