• Question: how was the earth created

    Asked by mr.t1990 to Ian on 13 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Ian Sandal

      Ian Sandal answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      The Earth was creating in the early solar system in the same way as the other planets and moons were.

      At this time there was only the sun in the solar system and its gravity caught large amounts of gas, dust and rock. These orbitted around the sun making rings (a bit like the rings on Jupiter), over a very long time (billions of years) these pieces dust, gas and rock began to collide with each other. Some of them joined together as they collided forming larger rocks, this continued so the rocks became larger and larger until we were left with the planets and moons we see now in the solar system.

      This process is still going on with meteorites still sometimes hitting the earth and other planets. Given the size of the planets the meteorites are now destroyed rather than joining together
