• Question: what is a freckle?

    Asked by Emily♥♫♪ to Frank, Ian, Isabel, Jared, Zena on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Zena Hadjivasiliou

      Zena Hadjivasiliou answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      I like your question! A freckle is part of our skin that has high concentration of melatin which is the chemical substance that determines the colour of our skin. When we are exposed in the sun the melatin in our skin increases (which is why we get tanned!), but also the number of freckles on our face or body can increase. Freckles are more obvious on people with lighter skin, specially when they are exposed to the sun for a long time. Often times people that get freckles more easily are more sensitive to the sun and should be careful when spending too much time in the sun.
