• Question: what science do you do and do you enjoy it and what gcse's did you get

    Asked by daniel einstein to Frank, Ian, Isabel, Jared, Zena on 13 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Isabel Pires

      Isabel Pires answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      I am a cancer biologist, so I study how cancer cells work and behave, comparing them to normal cells, in order to understand how cancer appears and spreads. This will hopefully help us to find new ways to treat it and spot it earlier.

      I do enjoy my job most of the time, especially the science part of it! But as a lecturer I do end up doing a lot of paperwork, which can be boring and frustrating…

      I went to high school in Portugal, so didn’t do GCSEs as such, but my subjects at that age were Biology (including labs), Chemistry (including labs), Maths, Portuguese, Philosophy and PE.

    • Photo: Zena Hadjivasiliou

      Zena Hadjivasiliou answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      I am a mathematical biologist which means that I use numbers, equations and ideas from physics to help us understand biology. I really enjoy it, i like seeing the way in which maths can easily and simply explain things that seem very complicated otherwise! Sometimes it can get frustrating when I can’t solve my equations or when my code has problems but I try to remember that this is part of the process and that it will eventually be resolved!

      I also didn’t go to school in the UK — I went to school in Cyprus. I did A levels though, in mathematics, statistics and physics. At school I also took biology and computer science.
